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Latest EDCNet Investigations 26/07/2024
Hit the link to review our latest EDCNet Investigations PMM-QC-1878 and 1583. Investigations review unexpected data reported into EDCNet for Optitrol HEPR-2 DM24038 and Optitrol HIVp24 DM22200 for all assays where each are recommended for use.
FIRESALE - Stock update 01/07/2024
We have a number of stock lots which have upcoming expiry dates within 6 and 3 months at a 20 and 40% discount price! You can take advantage of these discounts by checking out the link below and requesting the specific lots on your next order. Don't miss out stock and time is running out.
Optitrol Measles IgM Unavailable 01/06/2024
As previously mentioned SR15047 Optitrol Measles IgM 2 x 2.5mL is no longer available, we have now used up our supply of SR15045 Optitrol Measles IgM.
Unfortunately this means this product is now unavailable until new stock material can be identified and sourced. DiaMex and NRL are working to source new and suitable stock material.